Erik Newland Logo Image
Erik Newland

Chrome Extensions and NPM Packages

A collection of various tools and libraries to help developers and consumers alike.

Project Image


The chrome extensions have been a fun project learning a completely new API and SDK while exploring advanced topics such as asynchronous functions and the XPath API. The npm libraries have been an enjoyable endeavor into creating useful tools for developers, keeping in mind UI/UX from an alternative perspective.

Chrome Extensions
Open AI Study Buddy
BTC to USD Tooltip Converter
BrainWave: Triva Breaks

npm Packages

csvtransformers was specifically designed to provide the easiest and fastest csv data transformation in a nodejs environment. This library utilizes nodeJS's spawn child process to execute python scripts that utilize pandas, dask, numpy and more to efficiently handle large CSV files.

r a i n b o w B r a c k e t s

rainbowBrackets is a fun CodeMirror extension that helps users better track scope by adjusting the colors of brackets, parentheses and curley braces.


clean-speech is a small library that pre-sanitzies user text inputs to help combat spam, bots, and hate-speech online.

Tools Used

Chrome API/SDK